In a recent encounter with a member of the public, Sgt stated that "there are a number of prohibitions surrounding police stations"
Disclosure logPlease can I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act on police station closures.
Disclosure logCould you please provide me with the following information: 1. The number of police stations in your force area
Disclosure logOfficial details of the Station Manager, and Managing Police officer of Kensington, Ealing and Wembley Metropolitan Police stations
Disclosure logDo you have secret CCTV cameras (or even not secret CCTV cameras) operating and live recording / and or viewing in any of the London MET Police Station cells,
Disclosure logThe following is copied from your website in regard of recording at or around Police Stations in response to a freedom id information request:
Disclosure logThis request for information relates to police station closures in the Metropolitan Police areas.
Disclosure logContract Cleaning Services including Police Stations and offices
Disclosure log